Friday, July 19, 2013

The Perfect Wedding

 Somewhere out in the desert is a gracious woman and her temple. The perfect setting.

When we arrive, we feel as though we are completely alone out in the desert. It's calm, quiet and serene. Suddenly, softly, this woman appears. The minister. It's as if she just came out of nowhere, oh wait, she did.

There is a gentle breeze and it lifts the heat from our bodies just enough to soothe us.

After a few moments and the confirming of details, the ceremony begins. It's just the 5 of us. My daughter, my granddaughter, my son-n-law to be and the minister. It's exactly the way the couple wants it and it's perfect.

I don't remember much about those few precious moments. I was balling. I was balling, shooting and operating the video camera. Which I failed to turn on,

What I do know is that it was the Perfect Wedding. Just as perfect as holding my granddaughter for the first time, or being there in the delivery room when my grandson was born. (then rushing off to shoot a convention)

These are the moments in life that I take in and hold onto them dearly. How lucky am I that I am able to record every one of those special moments throughout my children's lives?


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