Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Art of Destressing

 This morning my husband told me to grab my camera and the dogs and said I would be taking some shots. Normally, he would be headed out the door to the shop to work on the property at this time. "what's up with you?" I asked. He replied, "you need a time out".  He was right. This was the perfect way to de-stress and take in all the beauty that surrounds us each day. Not that I don't, but with school, kids, homework, sports and competitions...this is exactly what the Dr. ordered. Dr. Eric that is.
I didn't have anything in particular in mind, just sort of snapped a few pics along the walk we took. I was more interested in soaking up the crisp fall air and the warm morning sun.

By the way, I deleted all images off my blog two years ago. Right after I retired from weddings. Time to start fresh and start anew.