Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best Friends

 I was sitting here tonight editing some pictures of my daughter's best friend Hannah. Yesterday we went out and got a few shots and decided to get some more in today. Along the way, the girls decided they wanted some photos of the two of them, but not your traditional 'best friends forever' pictures. They wanted to have a little fun. Whatever, I was happy to appease them.

Their relationship reminded me of my best friend relationships of my own as a child. Two of my best friends were Tina and Karen. We did some crazy things together and those memories have stuck throughout my life. Thanks to social media, I'm happy to be in an online interactive relationship with both of them now.

Although I can't speak for boys, I'm sure the importance is just the same. Your childhood best friend, especially as a teen is crucial and perhaps one of the most if not THE most important relationship in your life....thus far. Your best friend is your go to person for every decision you make, for every tear you weep, and crush you have. Young girls need their friends.

Hannah is a staple in our home. She stays for days at a time, and has been a constant figure in our home this summer. We adore her.

Cheers to Hannah and Nicole! I love your energy, your wit, sense of humor and zest for life. Thanks for the time warp.

I'm not sure what look they were going for.....

This one I like....


They really weren't pulling their hair hard.


I don't get the mustache craze, but they do.

A recent figure skating competition in Vacaville, Ca. 1st place winners.

The lovely Hannah....our stray cat.

I kinda like this one too...


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Favorite Subjects

 Without a doubt and it should be no surprise to anyone that my favorite subjects are my children. Each year , just before school starts, I take my kids out for a session.  This year, I took my daughter and her bestie, Hannah. I'm still working on Hannah's pictures but figured I'd throw up a few of my daughter in the meantime.

I'm surprised I was able to get anything given the isolated thunderstorms we worked with. Rain, wind, hail, and more rain. We were either hiding under trees or running to a nearby restroom for cover. Ultimately, we did cut the session short, but planned another one to ensure I get plenty for Hannah. Not a bad start though.....

My 10 year old son, aka, assistant, is under this umbrella playing with his IPOD. I guess I should have offered to pay him more.